Friday, February 23, 2007



So I am actually in such a good mood so I thought why not listen to some worship music and write a letter home! haha but really that is exactly what I am doing in this moment.

Let me now try to recount the events of last week. (Oh and if you wonder why I send these weekly... or at least try to... its because I have to for school, but I just tend to write a tad more than others... haha lucky you!)

So, I actually left out something really exciting I did in week four!! And so on Friday I described it as "Friday: This friday was just a normal friday. Nothing out of the ordinary just non-stop, exciting, and pretty much incrdible!!" and while it was incredible there was nothing ordinary about it! actually on this day all of YWAM Perth base went out and shook cans for Australian Relief Mercy Services (ARMS) so there I am on this random street corner all by myself and I shook my can and talked to people about ARMS and YWAM and just stuff like the weather... Where I was placed it wasn't very busy but I still saw God do soo many amazing things. People were coming up and being sooo generous and they didn't even know what we were talking about. They just were ready. It was a day I will never forget. We saw 17 000 come in on that day through people shaking cans... just ordinary people giving and offering so God can do some pretty darn amazing things in Perth, I can't wait!!!

Okay so now back to WEEK FIVE!!!

Monday: so once again back to exercises in the morning... and the awful lunges are after me again!! I can't get away from them, they are everywhere!!! They are just making my knee soo sore that it gives out on me like every 5mins, my roommates think its pretty funny contrary to my belief... Anyways that was my morning. Still doing morning chores in the lounge with sven some crazy surfer from South Africa, its pretty fun. So this week our lessons are with MARK PARKER on LORDSHIP and you might wonder why MARK PARKER is capitalized and the answer is because he yelled all the TIME!! just randomly he would start SCREAMING!! He was just soo unreal! certainly never fall asleep in his class. He was just soo amazing to be around, such a blessed man. Yea so then we go on to lunch, work duties, dinner and such and back again for lectures and I don't really think MARK PARKER runs on the same time as the rest of the world because he NEVER let us out on time. Really lunch would get out at like 1:15 and we would speed eat for 1:30 when work duties would start. So anyways we didn't get out of our evening class until 10:30 and NOT 9:30 so good old quenton let us sleep in and not do exercises!! no more lunges!!!

Tuesday: Okay so once again a pretty normal start to the day except the whole sleeping in thing which was amazing!! we went on to doing more base intercession which I am really starting to love! and more lectures with MARK PARKER. Here I was thinking that this week wouldn't be as emotionaly trying as the other. Like really how impactful is lordship, well its VERY IMPACTFUL and probaly the hardest thing i'll ever do for my entire life!! But it will also be one of the most rewarding. Man o man am I ever thankful for that wonderful cross, and for my Heavenly Father that sent down His son for me, my sins. So I am getting sooo much out of this week. And this is also a small group night and I did a chapel talk on who God is dependable. I went alittle over the time limit but I think I learned more than anyone else because the topic I was talking about lead me to choose my outreach location!!!
Wednesday: OUTREACH OPTION DAY!!! so here were our choices--->
1. India- angel, maegan, sam, pablo
50-60 people - together for 5 weeks then seperate
2. South Africa - janine, rob, ko
25-30 people - Durban 6 weeks
split- a)rob- Cape Town
b) KO- Piet Ritief
3. Australia and Indonesia - alicia + jess, landry
25 people - australia> 3 weeks IWT follow up, then to Bali
a) alicia+jess> Flores
b) landry> Jakarta
4. Mongolia - landon
10 people
So I don't know if any of that makes sense to you but those are our options with the location and team leader. So be thinking about where you think I will go. But you won't find out until next email because technically I didn't wrtie it out until then! The rest of the lectures with MARK PARKER were exciting for the day, and then it was a free night so I just went home and had a relaxing night.
Thursday: Once again a normal day, did exercises and went to lectures and stuff... did evangelism tonight, it was amazing. We sat around and sung worship in the little grassy area and then continued on our journey to read the entire bible all over the streets of Northbridge.
(its like 12am here and I have to get up at 8am so my days are going to begin to get smaller and smaller...)
Friday: Now this day had quite an impact on my life. When beginning this week I didn't think it would change my life in any huge way but MARK PARKER had other plans. So we began lectures at 8:30 and we did not leave that room until 7:00pm no food no nothing. You could go to the bathroom if you needed and water was supplied. This was a day full of laying things down. Declaring His lordship in my life. Most likely the hardest thing to do in my life. I learned this is not a lordship week but a lordship life! Each thing I laid down I have to lay it down each day. We began to be taken through the tabernacle. I won't go into huge detail of what happened in that room today because it was extreme but i will tell you the places we went and steps we took.
1. the gate
2. the court
3. the alter - cross
4. the bowl - clensing
5. candlestick - holy spirit
6. the table of showbread - communion
7. alter of incense - prayer and intercession
8. veil - our sin
9. ark - covenant
So after our 11 hour fast of food and strickly prayer worship and repentance it was a friday night meeting. So we got a sneek peek at our next speaker Pete Warren, he was pretty good too. So after the meeting I was dead and was just ready to go home. I was soo ready just to fall asleep and relax that I almost forgot it was our night to do the 24hour prayer. Here at ywamperth they have had prayer for the base every hour for about 11 years... i think most likely more... anyways we signed up late so we cover the 2-3 in the morning time. It is soo hard not to fall asleep. But we made it through.
Saturday: Well I was planning to have a beach day but that didn't quite work out for me so I ended up spending the day writting in my journal so that I wouldn't have to do it on Sunday. So I pretty much just sat around all day watching season on of grey's anatomy and finishing my journal. Not very exciting but it was nice and relaxing.

Sunday: no sunday to tired...

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