I thought I'd send a email about my first week of adventures in Perth!!! It is such a beautiful city here. There are palm trees everywhere and grass but the grass is really scratchy and sometimes yellow because they are going through a drought. Anyways, this town in amazing and the town in sooo clean!! There's no garbage anywhere.
I'm just sitting in my house right now getting ready to go to morning chores
but at least morning exercises haven't started yet or I'd be waking up at about 5:30AM and not around 7AM like I have been lately. There are sooo many YPers this year that me and two other girls are living in staff housing. So there's about 11 girls all living in one house with three bedrooms. Oh, and there's also only one bathroom so it's a little interesting in the mornings. The other girls either live on the base or there are also 44girls living in 228 and there are pretty much no walls in the whole house, I'm pretty excited that i'm not living there, but I miss the interaction.
So lets begin with my journey here from good ol' PR. So my plane rides were pretty interesting. They were my first time every flying so I was really quite scared, but everything worked out for me. The first one was 14.5 hours long!! It was sooo terribly long that I was going crazy. I sat beside a women that kept burping and a couple with a small baby who didn't stop crying the entire trip!!!! Oh, and I also got sick when we were landing but I wasn't allowed to stand up so I had to puke in my blanket while I was sitting next to all those people! It was sooo embarassing. My next flight was much better. I didn't even get sick!! But the food was the worst.
We arrived in Perth at about 8:30 9ishAM. After that we all got together and realized we had travelled with quite a lot of other YPer's all the way from Vancouver. A lot of us had kinda suspected we were all going to ywam but nobody really spoke up. So then we all rode into where our houses are. Me Kari and Michelle all live in the same house. Its about a 8-10min walk from the base. Oh, and we walk tons here!! at least 1.5 hours a day, just back and forth all the time. My bed is on a top bunk and it makes sooo much noise. Okay, enough about the house. After we got settled in we walked to the ywam base for lunch. Then after lunch we went to the BEACH!!! It is such a beautiful beach. We just ended up sitting around and didn't really attempt swimming today. After the beach we headed back to the base for dinner and then came back home. When we got home we did a little adventure into town and got some food and such and also had a little welcome to Perth party.
(I'll try to keep my days a little smaller)
On Sunday we were all a little too tired to find a church to go to so we just slept in and ended up going back to the beach and this time we went swimming!!!! It was great!!!! And then dinner a small adventure and back to sleep.
Monday we had base worship. I learnt a really cool new worship song with actions!! Then out 2 day long orientation started. We had a little free time then back to dinner. We also went to Kaio, its a coffee shop part of a ministry at ywam perth. When we were there we broke into small groups with one of the staff and shared our testimony.
There was some more orientation on Tuesday and a lot of free time. Spent some time walking around town and went to the park.
Wednesday school finally started!! To start off our day there were morning (family) chores. So each morning we go and do cleaning in a certain part of the base so that no one needs to be hired to help with the upkeep. I'm part of the outside crew so that means I do sweeping and such. Class started. Our first subject was the character and nature of God and our speaker was Peter Brownhill. He really opened my eyes on who God is and really taught me how I was seeing him. It was amazing!! I hope I am touched as deeply in each week as I was in this one. Then we had lunch dinner and more free time.
Thursday was more morning chores and lectures from Peter Brownhill. We also were given our work duties... My duty is working with Impact World tour ( www.impactworldtour.com.au ) There were five girls choosen to work with the tour and it is our job to make most of the arrangements. Sounds easy... I don't think so. The tour really doesn't have enough money to buy all of the equipment so we phone businesses in Perth and ask them to donate stuff such as 1240 screws, 580 sheets of plywood, cell phones, baseball bats, and soo much crazy stuff. And we really need all this in about a month. So please be praying that all this will come together for the youth of Perth.
On Friday everything went the same but we also had a Friday Night Meeting. It was really amazing worship and more great words on God. After that we went on a bit of a journey to Kings Park. Its about a 45min walk from the base. But once you get there you can see all over Perth and the trees are all lit up and it is just beautiful!!!
So heres a quick rundown on my days now that I am past the first week of school!!!!
My days start at 6am and go till about 9.
morning chores
base worship
work duties
morning chores
creative presentation
small groups
morning chores
school worship
memory verse
study night
morning chores
creative presentaion
morning chores
school worship
friday night metting
So I promise this will be the longest email i will send unless something amazing happens!
But I have to finish writtin in my journal thats due tomorrow night at dinner.
Hope everything is going great with all of you!!!
Bless you,
I thought I'd send a email about my first week of adventures in Perth!!! It is such a beautiful city here. There are palm trees everywhere and grass but the grass is really scratchy and sometimes yellow because they are going through a drought. Anyways, this town in amazing and the town in sooo clean!! There's no garbage anywhere.
I'm just sitting in my house right now getting ready to go to morning chores

So lets begin with my journey here from good ol' PR. So my plane rides were pretty interesting. They were my first time every flying so I was really quite scared, but everything worked out for me. The first one was 14.5 hours long!! It was sooo terribly long that I was going crazy. I sat beside a women that kept burping and a couple with a small baby who didn't stop crying the entire trip!!!! Oh, and I also got sick when we were landing but I wasn't allowed to stand up so I had to puke in my blanket while I was sitting next to all those people! It was sooo embarassing. My next flight was much better. I didn't even get sick!! But the food was the worst.
We arrived in Perth at about 8:30 9ishAM. After that we all got together and realized we had travelled with quite a lot of other YPer's all the way from Vancouver. A lot of us had kinda suspected we were all going to ywam but nobody really spoke up. So then we all rode into where our houses are. Me Kari and Michelle all live in the same house. Its about a 8-10min walk from the base. Oh, and we walk tons here!! at least 1.5 hours a day, just back and forth all the time. My bed is on a top bunk and it makes sooo much noise. Okay, enough about the house. After we got settled in we walked to the ywam base for lunch. Then after lunch we went to the BEACH!!! It is such a beautiful beach. We just ended up sitting around and didn't really attempt swimming today. After the beach we headed back to the base for dinner and then came back home. When we got home we did a little adventure into town and got some food and such and also had a little welcome to Perth party.
(I'll try to keep my days a little smaller)
On Sunday we were all a little too tired to find a church to go to so we just slept in and ended up going back to the beach and this time we went swimming!!!! It was great!!!! And then dinner a small adventure and back to sleep.
Monday we had base worship. I learnt a really cool new worship song with actions!! Then out 2 day long orientation started. We had a little free time then back to dinner. We also went to Kaio, its a coffee shop part of a ministry at ywam perth. When we were there we broke into small groups with one of the staff and shared our testimony.
There was some more orientation on Tuesday and a lot of free time. Spent some time walking around town and went to the park.
Wednesday school finally started!! To start off our day there were morning (family) chores. So each morning we go and do cleaning in a certain part of the base so that no one needs to be hired to help with the upkeep. I'm part of the outside crew so that means I do sweeping and such. Class started. Our first subject was the character and nature of God and our speaker was Peter Brownhill. He really opened my eyes on who God is and really taught me how I was seeing him. It was amazing!! I hope I am touched as deeply in each week as I was in this one. Then we had lunch dinner and more free time.
Thursday was more morning chores and lectures from Peter Brownhill. We also were given our work duties... My duty is working with Impact World tour ( www.impactworldtour.com.au ) There were five girls choosen to work with the tour and it is our job to make most of the arrangements. Sounds easy... I don't think so. The tour really doesn't have enough money to buy all of the equipment so we phone businesses in Perth and ask them to donate stuff such as 1240 screws, 580 sheets of plywood, cell phones, baseball bats, and soo much crazy stuff. And we really need all this in about a month. So please be praying that all this will come together for the youth of Perth.
On Friday everything went the same but we also had a Friday Night Meeting. It was really amazing worship and more great words on God. After that we went on a bit of a journey to Kings Park. Its about a 45min walk from the base. But once you get there you can see all over Perth and the trees are all lit up and it is just beautiful!!!
So heres a quick rundown on my days now that I am past the first week of school!!!!
My days start at 6am and go till about 9.
morning chores
base worship
work duties
morning chores
creative presentation
small groups
morning chores
school worship
memory verse
study night
morning chores
creative presentaion
morning chores
school worship
friday night metting
So I promise this will be the longest email i will send unless something amazing happens!
But I have to finish writtin in my journal thats due tomorrow night at dinner.
Hope everything is going great with all of you!!!
Bless you,
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