Friday, February 23, 2007

Week 4!!!

sorry if this is confusing to read i wrote really late at night...

once again I am sorry this is so late but it was just such an intense week for me that I wasn't sure if I was ready to write it down and re-live it again. Some things I really wanted to remember and others still scare me. But know that things are going well with me and the stuggles I have gone through this week have only added to my testimony.

Monday: This week I chose to do exercising for morning exercises. It was actually really enjoyable and no more lunges... well... but anyway I'm really enjoying it this week at least. Base worship was really really amazing as always. We also began our father heart of God week with Richard Jones. Now I walked into this week thinking it was going to be easy, well not easy but not as intense as the weeks I had just had. I was strongly mistaken. God wanted to show me new revelations of His character, nature and love for me. I'm not sure if I was ready to receive this but by the end of the week I can certainly say that I call God my Father and I am proud to be a amazing daughter of His that will run into His arms like a child! keep reading to see how... We also get some bad news our house is going up for sale and the man is coming to take pictures of it on wednesday!! soo crazy!!

Tuesday: Today started out the same as most mornings up at 5:45 and now exercising. Yay for crunches! haha pretty sure we do 200 a day! no joke! i'm coming home with abs of steel! haha well we'll see what outreach does. So we began Intercession for the city of Perth. God has given me such a heart for this town. Just the area He has placed me in is absolutely challenging but the challenge makes me cry out more for the salvation of this town! I want to see change brought to Perth through IWT. Lectures were amazing again Richard just has such a calming voice and such a caring voice, I could pretty much listen to it forever and when He prays I just want to be rocked to sleep. He is just soo incredibly gifted. This week for small groups we hung out in the classroom preparing to write a certain letter. This letter was to my parents. It was a praise letter for everything they have done for me and a forgiveness letter for everything against me. It was a letter to let go of the reliance I have in them. That I can not continue to take all my problems to them and that for me to grow in God's will for me that I must put the cross between my parents and me. That I need to take all my problems to my Father God and not to my parents. (this letter is not a diss to them in any way it is just acknowledging that God is my father and He gives the love that can come from Him, which I have! But I also have my love from my parents and love them still, they just cannot be the people I turn to first, because that is not what God wants for me. So then I came home and did my new routine of soaking my feet in hot water and just getting rid of my gross summer feet while having some quite time with God and just reading my journal or writting in my diary. But on this certain night I just so happened to be reading Matthew 10 and God really spoke to me:

34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
" 'a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -
36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'[e]
37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

After reading this I knew what I had to do... and this lead me to ...

Wednesday: So more stupid exercises and they are just getting old now, I can't wait for them to end! Anyhow morning chores were exciting today we played 007 and I would explain it but it really would take forever! but its soo much fun. Okay so during school worship I knew what I had to do... It was time for me to truly acknowledge God as my father, my provider, my counsellor, my everything! This was my own personal time to give this over, this was truly a great time of worship and one I would never forget. God really met me there that day. So I was pretty much on a spiritual high all day, and it was surly tested in the hours to come. So me and michelle go home to finish cleaning for the realtor to come and take pictures. When he arrived he brought a friend along with him and at the very beginning i just got a bad vibe from him. So I brought them the house and as soon as the scary friend walks in he points like 2cms to my face and says Romans 8:16 and I was just terrified... Then a few minutes after he begins talking to me and Inga and I just felt a spritual war happening over us ( why didn't we have this week yet!!) so anyway we find out he is a practising evangical buddhist and he straight out says he hates ywamer's and I just pretty much wanted to cry. We talked for quite a long time and I just felt his questions battling my spirit, it was not a pleasant experience to say the least. But after Inga prayed for me and the house and just that he didn't leave anything in our house. Alot had happened and it wasn't over yet... So if many of you don't know this about my house but I live on a street were quite a few prostitutes are but more of this will be in my next email just keep that fact in mind. So that night I go to do my soaking of the feet and started to just cleanse myself of my day and I overhear a huge fight and certain words were spoken that I ended up having to call the police... not a great ending to such a powerful day for me, oh and i definetly got prayed for before I went to bed.

Thursday: no morning exercise for me, it was a sleep and rest morning and i really did need it. I then came to class and proceeded to read my letter and just acknowledge the change I had already placed in my life. I'll try to keep this one short. On evangelism we go to Northbrige the party side of perth and just read our bibles. We are doing this to saturate the area and just begin preparation for IWT and all the changes God wants to see happen in Northbridge. We also had some worship in the little grassy area oppose to the big grassy area where we read. Some people stood and watched some others wanted prayer. It was a great night where we just got to praise God for his glory and power and just everything He is!!! and I walked home with Girvo and Fiona and found out that Fiona hated the word poo and I just thought it was funny...

Friday: This friday was just a normal friday. Nothing out of the ordinary just non-stop, exciting, and pretty much incrdible!!

Saturday: ZOO DAY!! oh boy this was a great day. It started out with going to McCafe for a slurppee the only place I have found! and then we walked down to the river, and took a little ferry to south perth, it was almost like the lund taxi but not as unsafe. So then we walked to the zoo and it was just sooo cool!!! I loved it. We walked around and just saw so many cool things and the zoo was set up so it really felt like you were in the jungle everything was so overgrown in a cool way and yea I was pretty exciting!!

Sunday: Well I slept in, went to church and then I cooked dinner from 1-530 not the best way to spend my day but it was my turn to help so I did it with a smile and had a pretty good time.

Kay so I'm sooo tired!! iAnd I know i left soo many stuff out just because i'm tired and i'm sorry!!! 've been pretty much in prayer and worship from 830 this morning till around 730 and i'm kinda dead. Oh and while I was writing this email I was listening to the livev concert of roger from pink floyd from across the street. When we were walking home there was this huge pink pig balloon, like the size of a house and they just let it go into the air... it was soo weird...

anyways thanks for the prayer
week five is on the way... hopefully tomorrow...


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